WPCloudDeploy Documentation

Linode Provider: Introduction, Installation & Configuration Guide

Installing the LINODE Provider

The LINODE provider is just a regular WordPress plugin – upload and activate it from the WordPress PLUGINS screen.

Configuring the LINODE Provider

The LINODE provider, as with other providers, need connection and security information before it can be used.

You can provide this information under WPCLOUD DEPLOY->SETTINGS->CLOUD PROVIDERS->Linode.  There are several steps to this process:

  • Make sure you upload an SSH Keypair to your LINODE dashboard.  You should do this before performing any other steps!
  • Enter your LINODE user name
  • Enter your LINODE API Key – you can get this key from the API section of your LINODE dashboard.  (Create a PERSONAL token with READ/WRITE privileges.)
  • Click the SAVE BUTTON
  • Click the SAVE BUTTON AGAIN.  This will cause the SSH keys area to show up.
  • Select one of the SSH keys from the drop-down.
  • Enter the PRIVATE portion of the ssh key pair into the Private SSH Key field.
  • Enter the key password if one is used on the key-pair.
  • Click the SAVE BUTTON
  • Click the SAVE BUTTON AGAIN.


Some Linode datacenters randomly refuse to complete our start up scripts – in these cases you’ll see output such as the following:

Adding additional repositories
Failed! Quitting process

If this continues  to occur, you should choose a different data center or retry your preferred data center later.

Linode Names

When setting a name for your server, the following rules must be followed (taken from the Linode API guide)

  • Must start with an alpha character.
  • May only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_) or periods (.).
  • Cannot have two dashes (–), underscores (__) or periods (..) in a row.

SSH Keys

Linode automatically installs all public keys for the designated user name into new Linodes.  So, if there are any “test” keys in your account, you should remove them before creating Linodes or use a different user name configured with only your production SSH keys.
