Virtual Cloud Provider

Pre-requisites For WPCloudDeploy


Billed once per year until cancelled

Need to connect more than one account at the same cloud service?  Then you need our Virtual Cloud Provider add-on.

Once enabled, you create and connect multiple accounts at each cloud provider.

Some reasons you might need this:

  • You have multiple departments or branches in your company, each with their own cloud-service account or budget.
  • You have customers that want to use their own accounts
  • You have separate accounts for development, staging and production.

View Documentation

Add-on Prerequisites

WPCloudDeploy 5.1.0 or later is required to use this add-on.



  • Dev: Lint and reorganize some code.


  • Fix: Bad spelling on a constant.


  • Tweak: Smarter, more flexible searches for language files using a similar algorithm to the one used in the core plugin.
  • Tweak: Add WPCD version checks and related notices


  • New: Integrate licensing and automatic updates.


Initial Release